Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) is a unique institution as being the most national private one with creative industry studies) with 4 basic faculties:
1. Communication: communication and media studies, development of competencies, protocol and event organization, speaker studies, mediation, etc.
2. Business: HR, Management and Economics, Commerce and Marketing, Financial studies, Development of Entrepreneurship, etc.
3. Tourism: Tourism - Hospitality, Tourism – Management, Wine Tourism, Health Tourism, Gastronomy, Organisation, and MICE Tourism, International Event and Hospitality Management, etc.
4. Art: Animation, Design Culture, Photography, Craftsmanship, Graphic Design, Filmmaking, etc.
Regarding the huge number of projects (before or under implementation) METU set up an office for its administration. The colleagues of the Centre for European Projects are about to be part of unique, creative and innovative ideas and experiments. In METU vast number of future-oriented, creative, innovative, competency-driven projects were or are being implemented coordinated by EPK in which the METU as a lead or project partner, as well.
Up to now 80 granted projects have been carried out, and currently, several project concepts are being developed, and new proposals are to be submitted with our best partners in each relevant field.
We usually take part in international or national conferences, partner search forums, workshops, seminars, etc. to elaborate on the best project concepts and find the most appropriate partners for the implementation. In addition, we are about to keep our knowledge up-to-date and develop or acquire new skills, learn new methods and technics.
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