During the project we achieved to educate students having poor knowledge on this region, its historic importance and we highlighted the opportunities V4 could offer to the citizens in many fields. We organized workshops during the semester for the students. Besides the workshops, an online summer school has been organized in August and a common study has been published with the help of our partner institutions. This study can be used as a basis of curriculum for the next semester to come, if we will continues offering education in the form of regional studies, with a special emphasis on V4. Summer school has been the core activity of the project offered to the best students from each partner institute to take part in the pilot course. It was organised by the Department of the Academy for Adult Education of METU. Its aim was to shed light on the development of the past 30 years starting from the democratic transformation of the CEE countries and the joint efforts to join to the Euro-atlantic community. The topics and the lectures of the summer school mainly focused on the 30 years of the Visegrad Cooperation, and dealt beyond regional questions with EU and global issues, and also highlighting the importance of cooperation (V4+ format) with other regions. A new common platform has been developed to collect all materials relevant in this project including the new curriculum, the photos and video films on the pilot trainings, the common workshops organised by the partners, the summer school activities, the tasks and their solutions of the competition. All of this has been uploaded to the project website and not just the students but also the fellow teachers can use it as a core material for planning courses revolving around V4 studies in the future. The aim was to create a new network of V4 studies as connecting researchers dealing with IR studies, SMEs, NGOs and stakeholders concerned in the region and shape regional policy.
Project Lead Partner:
- Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) - https://metropolitan.hu/
Project partners:
- Mendel University in Brno – https://www.mendelu.cz
- Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Faculty of Central European Studies – https://www.ukf.sk
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University – https://www.umcs.pl/
Project duration: 2021.01.01 – 2021.09.30
Grant: 10 000 EUR
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Coordinator of the project: Péter Rada PhD
Coordinator's e-mail address: project@metropolitan.hu
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
Do you know what are the global challenges of our time? What are the Visegrád Group's thoughts about it?
If you are also looking for the answer, then you should join us at the V4 Summer School Project Closing Event on 27th of August.
For registration please write to the project@metropolitan.hu e-mail address.
For the full program, please click HERE.
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V4 Summer School Presentations
- V4SummerSchool - Hungarian team's presentation
- V4SummerSchool - Polish team's presentation
- V4SummerSchool - Slovak team's presentation
Pilot Course Curriculum
- Czech Course:
- Hungarian Course:
- Polish Course:
- Slovak Course:
V4 Summer School Curriculum
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