Focusing on developing the skills and competencies needed to build a STEM-based startup.
Get ready for STARTUP LAB 3.0!
The Budapest Metropolitan University has received 4 878 000 HUF worth of non-refundable project support from the Ministry of Human Resources’ National Talent Programme. Thanks to the University’s Talent Management Committee the project named „Digital company building – STARTUP LAB 2021” has started.
The STARTUP LAB 3.0 has several successful predecessors like last year’s STARTUP LAB and the previous Creative Thinking Development Workshop. Building on these LABs, we have integrated this new programme into the University’s life, bringing together students and lecturers to motivate them for development. In the spring semester of 2021/2022,and for the first time, this year the talent development program expanded for the fall semester of 2022/23 provides an opportunity for students to have a taste of the world of startups. This time the focus of the program was on “creating an innovative learning environment in an interdisciplinary, STEM-based environment”
The workshop included 30 students with different fields of study. They formed groups of 4-5 people practising techniques like cooperative learning, various project based learning exercises and problem solving. The workshop was modular-structured and built upon each other. These modules covered the following topics:
- Human-focused business building, or Design Thinking and HR in the lives of Startups.
- Prototyping with the help of art tools
- Marketing differently, or the focus is on people.
- Skills development, customer focus, customer experience - Design Thinking and Service Design as a successful response to the challenges of the XXI. century
- Views and experiences in creative and innovative thinking
In the modules, students worked out exercises individually, in pairs with their peers, and grouped up. The outputs were presented to each other, and everybody will give feedback to the other and reflect on their own work too. In addition, as part of the workshop participants had to familiarize themselves with various new digital tools and software, which might be useful when building their own company. During their teamwork, a digital mentor supported the students. In each module, we created new groups in order to grow the adaptability, creativity of the students and to increase the group dynamics.
Same as previous years, the program was concluded with an international competition with the involvement of five teams from various partner universities. Using the acquired methodologies, groups of 4-5 students competed within a business simulation game. At the end of the event, they created presentations to share their ideas and results. This year students had the opportunity to take part in a field trip in which we visited the SZTE (University of Szeged) laboratory in Szeged, where students may have a look at the “Startup Incubator” and get to know about the Startup programmes of the University.
Photos of the competition:!AkSazGQIeXG8hKc7jPRIHfV5yHnauQ?e=h9hXn6
Video about the competition:!AkSazGQIeXG8hKc5MJWrIXeygBjp4g?e=oc5SJF
The logo of the workshop:
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