Find all basic info you need here!
1. What do I need for registration?
For a fast process, you need to have an ID card, passport, or residence permit for registration. If you only have a valid student ID, we can check your data in Neptun, which takes longer.
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2. Do I need to register in both Libraries in order to use them?
No. Registration is only needed in one of the libraries and you are entitled to the full use of both libraries with your library card.
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3. Do I always have to bring my Library card with me?
Yes. You need your Library card for borrowing, renewal and reservation of a book. You can return the book(s) without your Library card.
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4. Do I need to renew my Library card?
No. The Librarians automatically renew your card if it expires.
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5. What shall I do in case I lose my Library card?
If you lose your Library card, you have to report it to the library staff in order to avoid another person abusing it (e.g. borrow an expensive book in your name, then never return it). It costs HUF 300 to replace a library card.
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6. If there is a change in my personal data, do I need to inform the Library or is it enough to change them in Neptun?
We kindly ask you to inform the Library as well, since the Library system is not directly connected to Neptun system.
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7. How many books can I borrow at the same time?
You can have 8 books at the same time from the two libraries combined.
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8. Can I borrow the books with the red identifiers?
No, books with red identifiers cannot be borrowed. You can use them in the Library and you can also make copies or scans within the limits of applicable laws.
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9. What can I do if I want to send someone else to borrow books for me?
If you want someone else to borrow books on your behalf, inform us in advance in e-mail. You will still be the person responsible for the books you borrow, as well as for observing the due dates.
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10. Am I the only person who can return the books I borrowed?
Anybody can return your books.
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11. What can I do if I do not know the due date of my books?
First, check the date on your note we gave you when borrowing the book. If you really want to make sure, go to “Login, renewal” at the online catalogue on the website of the Library. You can reach the online catalogue HERE. You can also use this to renew your book five times at maximum if there is no reservation for it. (see also: How can I renew my loan(s)?
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12. How can I renew my loans?
If there is no reservation for your loans, you can renew your loans five times from home, and five additional times through us. You can renew your books HERE, in person, via e-mail or telephone. Your library card number is needed for renewals.
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13. When do I have to pay a late fee and how much?
Late fees apply if you return your books after the 3-day grace period following their due dates. Late fees start at HUF 400/book (HUF 300 if there was a national holiday within the grace period), and increases HUF 100/book/day after that. (see also: What does grace period mean?)
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14. What does grace period mean?
After the due date of your loans, we offer you three days of grace period. If you return your loans within these three days, we do not charge you any late fees. However, on the fourth day you have to pay the late fee for all four days. Saturday counts because the Library is open on Saturdays. It is important to know that Sundays and national holidays count as part of the grace period (even if the library is closed, you can renew your books from home HERE in order to avoid the accumulation of late fees), but there is no late fee for days when we are closed.
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15. I was ill. Could you disregard my late fee?
Since you have so many options to arrange the renewal or return of books without being present, we are don’t disregard your late fee due to an illness.
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16. What does a reservation mean?
You may place a reservation on a book loaned to another person. This ensures that you will be next in line to receive the book when it is returned. You will be notified via email, and we keep the book for 2 days after notification.
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17. Can I put a reservation on a book without the help of the librarians?
No. Only the librarian can do it. Your Library card is needed for this.
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18. How can I cancel the reservation?
In the event you do not want to borrow the books you have reserved, please inform the Library in person, on the telephone or via e-mail.
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19. What are the consequences of the ignoring a reservation?
In case you reserve books but do not borrow them, we put the books back on the shelves two days after we send you the notification. If you can only pick up the book later, please inform us within this time limit.
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20. Can I only use the online catalogue from the computers of the Library?
You can use the online catalogue even from home HERE from the website of the library. You only need Internet access.
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21. How can I find the book on the shelves after finding it in the online catalogue?
If you click on “Details” (binocular icon if you are searching on your phone) in the online catalogue, you will see the identifier of the book in the middle column. The numbers on the sides of the bookshelves and the numbers and letters on the book’s spine help you to navigate among the shelves. (see also: What does identifier mean?)
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22. What does Identifier mean?
Identifiers help you find books on the shelves. The first number shows which category the book belongs to. The next letter-number combination marks either the name of the author or the title of the book. On the shelves, this follows the order of the Latin alphabet.
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23. Can I ask the Library to buy books I want?
Yes! Our students and colleagues can all help us to expand our services and the range of books. A percentage from late fees is spent on your requests. These can include both fiction and non-fiction. You can send us your ideas and suggestions via e-mail:
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24. How can I search for an article?
If you are looking for an article for your homework, presentation or home assignment, use our databases link on the webpage of the Library. If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact our librarians.
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25. What is the EBSCO database?
EBSCO is a database primarily in English. It has peer-reviewed articles in many subject fields. You can use these articles for your home assignments, presentations, or your thesis. The database can be used freely if you are a registered user of the library. You can access it both from the computers of METU and from home by following this page.
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26. How can I read theses?
You can read theses on all the computers of METU. Use any browser and follow the link If you cannot find the thesis you are looking for, do not hesitate to ask a librarian.
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27. Can I read theses from home?
No. According to the inner rules of the University, you cannot read theses from home.
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28. Can I print or copy from the theses?
According to the inner rule of the University, theses cannot be copied, printed or scanned. You can take notes from them.
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29. I am writing my thesis. Can the University check it for accidental plagiarism?
Yes. We have an anti-plagiarism solution that you can use by asking your advisor to check your thesis for you. They will tell you what to do next. Don’t worry, there will be no punishments for forgotten quotation marks or accidental similarities at this point. You will be able to correct any problems before handing in your finalised thesis.
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30. Can I ask a friend at a different university to check my thesis for plagiarism?
Please, don’t do this. If the other institution’s theses are checked by our system as sources, when we check your thesis later, it will appear as plagiarised. If you want to check your thesis, contact your advisor here, at METU.
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31. What is the username for the computers of the library?
The computers of the library can be used with your usual login (same as Neptun).
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32. Why is the library closed on Friday morning?
Friday mornings are reserved for background work and meetings. This is in order to provide you with a better library experience. Therefore, we ask you to come to the library only in the afternoon. Thank you.
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33. Can I use the lockers for the whole day?
The coin you receive in the library is available for staying there. You can ask for a coin for the whole day at the main reception of the University.
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34. Is the library open in the evening and at the weekends?
The central library is open till six o’clock every weekday and until four o’clock every Saturday. Art Library is open until half past four from Monday to Thursday, until six o’clock on Friday and until three o’clock on Saturday.
You can find updated information on the opening hours on the webpage of the Library.
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