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Vass Vilmos

Vass Vilmos Assosiate Professor at METU. 

Recently we had an interview with him where he shared some of his great moments at METU 

1.Courses taught by you? 

Social Studies I-II. 

2. How did your journey begin at METU? 

I began my journey 5 years ago with full of challenges on teaching and working with my students and colleagues at some interesting projects.

3.As a professor / leader according to you what is the most dynamic thing about METU? 

I think, the most dynamic thing is living with the creative and innovative opportunities at different levels, building trust-based education and promoting personalized and collaborative learning. 

4.Being a Teacher which course is your most favourite one and why so? 

My favourite course is Social Studies, because it is a project-based course. It can develop collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity. We work together sharing a lot of ideas, raising original, interesting questions. I prefer creative atmosphere with lots of fun. 

5.How it feels being a part of such an International community and how it evolves you as a professor / leader? 

I strongly believe, that internationalization has huge impact of intercultural education at cognitive and affective levels. as well. Being part of the International community can enrich my personal portfolio with a lot of professional competencies. 

6.How would you describe your overall experience at METU so far? 

Very inspiring place for creativity and innovation with great opportunities to collaborative learning, thinking and creativity. 

7.If you have to define METU and the community at METU in one sentence how will you define it? 

Creative knowledge centre and professional learning community.