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5 reasons why you should study in Europe

Are you planning to study abroad? Here are the top 5 reasons why studying abroad in Europe might be a good option for you, and how you can make the most of your study abroad experience with the Erasmus+ scholarship! 


Reason #1 to study abroad in Europe – safety 

It might seem obvious, but safety should be the first thing to consider when deciding where to study abroad.  

European countries are among the safest in the world, making them a great choice for students moving abroad on their own. According to the 2021 Global Peace Index ranking, the majority of the world’s top 25 safest countries are from Europe.  

Reason #2 to study abroad in Europe - world-class education 

Quality of education, of course, will be a determining factor of your study abroad decision. 

Europe is not only home to many of the world’s best universities, and it also offers numerous outstanding institutions focusing on practice-oriented education or research. 

You cand find countless amazing study programs taught in English in all academic fields, both on bachelor’s and master’s level. 

Reason #3 to study abroad in Europe – affordability 

Studying in Europe is not only a valuable, but also a great value-for-money investment. 

Tuition fees at European universities are significantly lower than those of the US, Canada and Australia, and there are also plenty of scholarships available. Living costs are quite favorable as well, and in many European countries, students can easily support themselves financially by getting a student job. 

Reason #4 to study abroad in Europe – experience 

Studying abroad is a great experience, not just from a personal, but also from a professional point of view. 

The international experience you gain while studying abroad will be valuable for your future career. Studying in Europe will open many doors for you if you plan to build a career in any European country, but it will also look great in your CV once you return to your home country. 

Reason #5 to study abroad in Europe – traveling 

Last, but not least, one of the greatest advantages of studying abroad in Europe are the travel opportunities within the European Union. 

Europe has an amazing infrastructure with convenient and affordable transportation networks with trains, buses, planes, and ferries across the continent, which allows students to make the most of their time abroad and explore the whole of Europe beside their studies. 

But going on holiday is not the only kind of traveling you can do while studying in Europe – you can also go abroad as part of your studies. 

Thanks to the EU’s Bologna Process (which aligned the higher education systems of all European countries) and the Erasmus program, there are plenty of student mobility, internship and scholarship opportunities for students of European universities. 

Best European study abroad experience with METU 

Come to study abroad in Hungary... 

Hungary is an affordable, safe and friendly country with a great location in the heart of Europe. It is within easy reach from other major European cities, and with free movement within the EU, you can explore whole Europe during your studies in Hungary! 

The capital, Budapest is an energetic and lively city filled with international students, with amazing entertainment and cultural life. While offering all the possibilities of European way of life, Hungary is also much more affordable than Western European countries. 

Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) is a modern, international institution with numerous English-taught, internationally recognized and accredited programs in the fields of art, business, communication and tourism.  

At METU, we place great emphasis on practice-oriented teaching that prepares our students for real-life challenges. With our unique portfolio-based training system, our students can start building their career already during their university years. 

We always put our students first. In the inspiring and open community of METU, we help every student find the way to fulfill their personal and professional potential.  

You can make the most out of your study abroad experience with the free language courses, the diverse international student community and creative environment of METU. Start your studies at METU with a preparatory program, or choose among numerous bachelor’s or master’s degrees...  

...and study or work abroad in other European countries with scholarships! 

We support our students’ international adventures with scholarships of the Erasmus+ and the Campus Mundi programs. As a METU student, you can spend up to a year abroad as part of your studies. 

Participating in an international exchange program is not only an amazing opportunity for personal and academic development - it will also raise your employment prospects and improve your soft skills, such as problem- solving, curiosity, creativity, independence, adaptability and boost your confidence! 

Our partner universities 

Budapest Metropolitan University offers international exchange programs with scholarships at over 200 partner universities. We have 165 Erasmus+ partner institutions throughout the European Union and 5 continents of the world, with more than 400 relevant internship placements per semester. 

Click here to see the full list of our partner universities. 

Erasmus+ scholarship opportunities 

With the help of METU and the Erasmus+ program, you can receive a fixed scholarship to turn your dreams of studying or working abroad into reality. 

  • With the Erasmus+ Student Mobility, you can spend 1 or 2 semesters studying at a partner higher education institution, where you can extend your professional knowledge by studying program-related subjects. The completed subjects will be transferred back to METU and will also be included in your Diploma Supplement. As an Erasmus+ student, you will receive 470 to 520 EUR fixed scholarship every month. 

  • Participants of the Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility can complete a traineeship at a company or higher education institution abroad for a period 2-12 months, over which the student will receive a scholarship of 570-620 EUR/month in addition to their salary. 

All in all, Erasmus is a fantastic opportunity. Not only do your studies and language skills develop, but you also become much more open and direct; not to mention the fact that you can make friends with people from all over the world. I have learnt a lot in the past almost two months and I feel excited about what the remaining four months hold for me. - Ferenc 

Become a student of METU and start your amazing study abroad journey in Europe!  

Click here to discover your opportunities with METU:  

2021. 10. 28.


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